As we know improvements and advances in technology are happening at a very rapid rate. Some people think this is a good thing other may disagree. In terms of music education I believe technology is a great thing and can be used in the classroom in many ways.

For the purposes of music education technology can be a big help to the teacher. In the classroom teachers can use technology for something as simple as playing a recording of the piece the children are learning. The teacher would have many different resources to use that make finding this recording very easy. They could buy the CD or just buy the song on itunes, they could also search for a live video of the song on youtube among many other ways. YouTube is an excellent tool for music educators, some schools have banned YouTube from the classroom computer because it can distract children from other school work. As a music teacher you can take advantage of YouTube and find some great video and examples of things relating to your class.

Some newer music programs that are great tools for music educators are some computer programs like Garage Band and Smart Music. Garage Band is a great tool for teaching children how to sequence parts or make drum beats. Smart Music is an excellent way to make practicing fun for kids in band/orchestra. Kids can practice their music or scales and the program will show them what they did wrong and correct it. Smart Music can also be used as a way to test kids and mark there progress. There are many other computer based music programs like Sibelius and finale that teach notation skill. Also a program called Auralia that teaches ear training at various levels. There are so many different music programs out there today and those are just a few of the more popular ones, the list goes on and on.

Many schools are now making the change from white board to smart boards. Smart boards were just becoming popular during my senior year of high school so I am not too familiar with them. The smart boards can be used in a music room to project a specific part or score on the board for the whole class to see. The smart board is an amazing tool and should be used if the funding is available to have one. 

Changes in technology are happening everyday, some good and some not so good, but these changes can not be ignored. Teacher have to accept the changes being made and take advantage of them in the classroom. Students are growing up in a time where it is not unusual for a child to have a cell phone in elementary school or an ipod touch with access to internet almost anywhere. At a very young age they are exposed to technology and what it has to offer. By using different forms of technology in the classroom you can relates to students and certain things like working with computers will come easy to them and they will hopefully enjoy using the programs.

Technology can help me become a better music educator by being able to provide the students with all these wonderful tools. Not only are there programs that can be used in the classroom but also online programs they can access at home. It is important children get the chance to explore music both in school and outside of school. There is a better chance they will play a music game on the computer than do a few examples in a workbook. By incorporating technology into the classroom it is a fun way to relate and connect to the students on a level they are familiar with and in return they will most likely become more successful because it has sparked their interest.

Check out the below podcast with Dr. Steven Thompson from Bethel University discussing technology in Music Education.
2/21/2011 09:40:51 am

Hey Patricia, I loved the podcast you put up as part of your post. I am particularly intrigued by what he was saying about the Smart Music program, I wasn't aware that it had the ability to accompany a soloist in such a way that it can be fluid and follow the performer, as a live pianist would. That is really quite astounding. I haven't seen it in action, or looked into it, but if it can solve the usual problems with play along tracks, I will be truly impressed. As Berklee is a school full of jazz musicians, I'm sure we've all become more acquainted with Aebersold play alongs than we'd like to, spending hours practicing a tune to the same track. The problem with this is, the rhythm section plays the same thing every time! Unconsciously, we become so familiarized with the subtleties in the play along track that when a live player doesn't meet all the expectations we've developed, it throws us off! Obviously, the same principles apply in classical music as well as in jazz. While these tracks are okay for learning a tune, they really do develop bad habits when we play with them for too long. I'd be very interested in looking into the Smart Music program to see how well it actually does respond.

Thanks for the post!


2/21/2011 09:19:19 pm

I totally forgot about Smart Music and Auralia and their capabilities in teaching proper practicing etiquette and ear training. I don't really know how these programs work but now that I remembered that I can use them, I will use them to the best of my abilities.
I also agree that we can't ignore the growing popularity of technology, no matter how much we would like to. Soon it will be all that they know and if we never use it, they will never enjoy learning from us.

6/10/2012 09:15:00 pm

Well i think technology is playing a huge role today in helping not just in the field of music but also at various other areas as well. Now you have so much of ease in doing things with the help of technology.

6/22/2012 10:11:17 pm

Loved your blog layout that I created a weebly account too.

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